My truck started making disturbiing rear end noises. This page details exploration of what is going on and will later discuss what, if anything, I have done to correct it.
Grinding noise comes from the rear right outer axle bearing. The proof comes from what happened when I raised the rear on jackstands and put it in drive.
So, putting weight on the right axle exhibits grinding noise.
I then opened the rear diff cover. I discovered this object:
Investigation later in the evening showed that this piece is #14
from the exploded diagram (see it
), it
is called adjustor lock.
For some strange reason, even though diagram says it should point to
the LEFT, the remainder of what it was is pointing to the RIGHT!!!
Due to that, it came in contact with the ribbed differential carried
back, and
finally broke. There are very clear damage marks on the ring gear.
Click here for details: