After this documentation was released in July 2003, I was approached by Prentice Hall and asked to write a book on the Linux VM under the Bruce Peren's Open Book Series.

The book is available and called simply "Understanding The Linux Virtual Memory Manager". There is a lot of additional material in the book that is not available here, including details on later 2.4 kernels, introductions to 2.6, a whole new chapter on the shared memory filesystem, coverage of TLB management, a lot more code commentary, countless other additions and clarifications and a CD with lots of cool stuff on it. This material (although now dated and lacking in comparison to the book) will remain available although I obviously encourge you to buy the book from your favourite book store :-) . As the book is under the Bruce Perens Open Book Series, it will be available 90 days after appearing on the book shelves which means it is not available right now. When it is available, it will be downloadable from so check there for more information.

To be fully clear, this webpage is not the actual book.
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12.5 Activating a Swap Area

As it has now been covered what swap areas are, how they are represented and how pages are tracked, it is time to see how they all tie together to activate an area. Activating an area is conceptually quite simple; Open the file, load the header information from disk, populate a swap_info_struct and add it to the swap list.

The function responsible for the activation of a swap area is sys_swapon() and it takes two parameters, the path to the special file for the swap area and a set of flags. While swap is been activated, the Big Kernel Lock (BKL) is held which prevents any application entering kernel space while this operation is been performed. The function is quite large but can be broken down into the following simple steps;

At the end of the function, the BKL is released and the system now has a new swap area available for paging to.


... x8612.3
See the Code Commentary for the comprehensive reason for this.

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Mel 2004-02-15